sábado, 9 de maio de 2009

Minister Andrei Fursenko is sure: high result of Kalmykia in UNE in mathematics is due to a good chess school


The Minister of Education and Science of the of Russia Andrei Fursenko told the State Duma speaking within the "government hour" about the set screen for the textbooks of poor quality and that in the course of moving to a new system of remuneration the teachers' salary exceeded the average wage in the industry.
Minister Andrei Fursenko said that the experiment of eight years showed the effectiveness of UNE, for its introduction to the standard treatment all necessary conditions are created and the Minister is persuaded of the full legitimacy of UNE.
He also noted that UNE questions are easy, there are nothing complex issues, but some teachers claim that they do not want to change anything in their work and they are afraid of an objective assessment. As the Minister considers, the myths about UNE are based on unfair distortion of facts.
The excess of UNE average score in mathematics in Kalmykia, Fursenko explained by the general passion for chess in this Republic. "We should strictly follow the chosen path", - the Minister considers.


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2 comentários:

Joaquim Machado disse...

Por cá tenho a impressão de que há meia duzia de Pais/Encarregados de Educação, que tambem já se aperceberam que aparentemente os filhos não têm a mesma dificuldade na disciplina de matemática que o resto do pais.
Em matemática e nas outras disciplinas.
Alguem conhece casos de inssucesso escolar, em alunos que pratiquem regularmente o jogo de xadrez?

um dia aparece aqui o nome de Portugal...

Anónimo disse...

The Minister of Education of Portugal does not care about chess or something like that! She considers that the Magalhães laptop already has enough games! :)